Payment is accepted at the end of each session via etransfer, Visa, or Mastercard. You will be given a receipt that you can later submit if you have health insurance coverage.
Cancellation Policy
In the event you must miss an appointment, I ask that you provide 24 hours notice. In the event of a missed appointment without notice, you will be charged the full fee for your session.
Insurance Coverage
All insurance plans have different coverage policies so please check with your provider to ensure that psychologist counselling services are covered by your plan.
If you have a health insurance policy or a benefit plan through a provider, you will need to pay the full amount for your session and then send in your receipts for reimbursement through your provider. Your health insurance policy or benefit plan may cover all or part of the fees. Prior to beginning our work together, I recommend that you speak to your insurance company and find out how much you are expected to pay and if there are limits to the number of sessions your insurance will provide.
I provide direct billing for Alberta Blue Cross and Medavie Blue Cross.
Fees for parent counselling: $200. This is reflective of the Psychologists’ Association of Alberta recommended fee schedule. Please note that sessions run for 50 minutes to allow 10 minutes at the end of your session for me to document what occurred and a plan for next steps.

"Life is best organized as a series of daring adventures from a secure base." John Bowlby